Greetings everyone!
I'm giving this blog thing a try, I won't be able to add to it all the time, but I have a few spare minutes today and I just happen to be at a location working with the State Department so I can actually access my blog.
The big thing on everyone's mind lately has no doubt been the Afghanistan elections. Well, that and Brett Favre playing for the Vikings.... but I don't have any insider information on that subject, so we'll go ahead and focus on the first topic. I'm very happy to say that the elections in the western region of Afghanistan were a big success. The west had the highest turn out and lowest violence per capita of anywhere in Afghanistan. The local police and army did a good job, now hopefully the local populace will start having more faith in their police force.
Other than the elections the biggest thing we have going on here is growing pains. The Army is switching up how it does business here in Afghanistan, so everyone is trying to figure out how that is going to work and where everyone needs to be. I know a lot of you have been asking for an address and appreciate your enthusiasm. I'm hoping that within the next week or two the Army will finally figure out where they want to put me for good, so until then it's probably best to just hold off on mail. I would hate for your package or letter to get lost in this chinese jigsaw puzzle they call the postal system over here. I've had mail come in as fast as 7 days, and as slow as 4 weeks, so to play it safe I'll wait until I figure out where I'm going and then you can all send me all the cookies you want. :)
Take care everyone
15 years ago